The Parade

The highlight of the Carnival celebrations is our parade, which sees hundreds of people line the street to watch the floats, bands, fancy dress and visiting royalty pass by. 


Leaving Springfield Road at 1pm the parade makes it's way through the village past the Tickled Trout and up the hill towards the Village Hall, passing the Recreation Ground and Fair it continues to the Peacock where it turns round before returning to the Recreation Ground where the celebrations continue. 



Road closures are in place from 12.45pm so please ensure you arrive in plenty of time to get parked and find your spot at the side of the road. Help us keep everyone safe by ensuring that yourself, friends and family keep back from any passing floats or vehicles. 



Entry to the parade is free, all that we ask is that you smile, wave and help create that fantastic atmosphere our visitors have come to soak up! Our team will distribute collection buckets on Springfield Road and we ask that you take these with you to collect loose change from the crowds, every little helps and last year this raised over £1,000 to help meet our ever growing costs. 


In a change from previous years, floats and vehicles are required to pre-register by completing the form below (this does not apply to walking fancy dress or visiting royalty vehicles or floats). All entries must be received by 1pm on Saturday 10 August

Barlow Carnival 2024 - Parade Registration
Barlow Carnival 2024 - Parade Registrati
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