
Barlow Carnival is a not for profit organisation run entirely by volunteers. 

Like many organisations, businesses and households we are seeing a significant rise in our costs. From bands to toilets, insurance to stilt walkers it costs a lot to put your Carnival on, but we think it's worth it! 

We aim to put on a range of activities either free of charge or low cost, as well as hopefully being able to make donations to local organisations and charities from any surplus we make.

A lot of our costs are covered by income from sponsorship and dvertising as well ticket and fundraising activities on the day however we rely heavily on donations. 

Last year we received over £1200 in donations and we are hoping for at least the same again! 

How Can You Help?

Street Collection

During the parade you'll see people carrying collection buckets, please consider dropping a few coins in. Every penny really does help! 

We know not everyone carries cash anymore let alone spare change so we've enabled our website to take quick and easy donations!